About me
In my childhood and youth, I attended an art school but later pursued a completely different field of study. My two degrees from university are in psychology and ecology. But I’ve always been drawn to drawing, and I took up pencils quite a bit.
When a person is in harmony with themselves, they begin to hear the voice of their soul. Realizing this, I have undergone a powerful transformation in recent years, making a breakthrough in my spiritual development and unlocking my inner creative potential. As a result, I was able to find my purpose in this world!
Something amazing happened to me at the beginning of 2024, and I became completely engrossed with painting. I painted a lot of oil paintings with enthusiasm, and by some miracle, fate brought me in contact with Ksenia Petrova-Hufnagl's Vienna Art Salon (Kunst Salon Wien). My life began a new and happy chapter with this successful partnership with the Art Salon.
Michael and I organized a joint vernissage, "Kunst Salon Wien mit Michael Fuchs & Gala Mischenko", at the Vienna Art Salon in the city center in 2024, which received extensive coverage on Austrian television and in the press.
That same year, I was fortunate enough to meet my teacher, Michael Fuchs, a renowned Austrian artist from a family of artists, which was another significant occasion.
As a result of my participation in charitable programs, I received an invitation to Austria’s largest charity project, "Licht ins Dunkel." The "Licht ins Dunkel" charity foundation received all the proceeds from the auction of my painting "In the Mountains," which was among the artworks of famous Austrian artists.
Michael’s mother, a graphic artist, served as his first instructor, helping him to produce his first paintings in 1964. He also had instruction from his well-known father, Ernst Fuchs, the creator of the School of Fantastic Realism, who knew Salvador Dalí directly. Afterwards, he received his academic artist degree from Vienna’s Academy of Applied Arts and Academy of Fine Arts. He earned a master’s degree in architecture from the Academy of Fine Arts, where he also studied architecture. The course of his education continued for almost 20 years.
I'm proud to be able to learn from such an incredible person and outstanding artist. Michael taught me the oil painting technique of the old Renaissance masters and inspired me to definitively tie my life to creativity.
Despite his busy schedule, the professor finds time for charity and educational activities. He has personally gifted his paintings to Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and the State Pushkin Museum in Moscow.
In September 2024, our next vernissage will take place in Michael’s studio in Vienna.
I'm thrilled to have met such wonderful people on my life path who have helped me fully unlock my creative potential. I believe we have many more intriguing international projects ahead of us. And I’m very grateful to my family for their understanding, love, and powerful support!
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